We (St. Bernard Recovery Corp.) had our Holiday Party last Wednesday, December 12. Over 25 families from St. Bernard Parish, 100+ people in all, came out for a night of great food, Santa Claus, Christmas Music, gifts, raffle prizes and so much more. We had our challenges, as the chef that we recruited to come down from New York and cook (volunteering his time) got sick on Tuesday and was out of commission. Thankfully, Erin's mom, who had come down from New York for the party, was there to save the day. With help from a few others, particularly Santa, Rita led the cooking and we had tray fulls of great food to serve. Turkey, spiral ham, pasta, salad, yams and sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce filled up everyone's plate.
The party was a big success, a full three hours of smiling, laughing, lots of picture taking and hopefully a few memories. And every family and child left with a gift. My dad came from Florida, along with two friends, and some other volunteers I've gotten to know this year attended as well. Hopefully some of the pictures below tell a good story.

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