I learned something today, and I couldn't be happier about it.
As I continue to work towards my next goals here, I have plenty of things occupying my mind, from the small details, to making connections with the right people, to learning what works well and what doesn't work so well. I'm determined to get an operation going where I'm providing things to those in need, whether it's food, clothes, other goods, feedback, advise, or just an ear to listen. My only stipulations, both with myself and those I work with or help, are that there are no handouts, and no hoarding (my two H's). No bending on either. I only want to help people who are also helping themselves. And, nothing should be taken in abundance. Take what you need, and let's work "together" on what you need next. I feel that if I move forward with that mantra in mind, and use it as a driving force behind my efforts, then the results will only be positive.

Today, while moving a couple of truckloads of goods to and from some storage facilities, I was able to fill my car with some food items. There are so many things here that are sitting in storage not getting out to people, and if I get a chance, I just figure, "fill up the car and go find people who need it". So that's what I did. But I had the two H's in mind. Fortunately, I loved how things turned out. With the help of a very giving long term volunteer (Noriko), we found three homes in the neighborhoods of Violet, in St. Bernard. Two of the homes had extended families there, either living in that very house or trailer, or right next door. The food and drinks were hits. Frozen fish, chips, Vitamin Water, rice mix, soup, peanut butter, we doled all of it out. And, when I did so with the premise that each family can take one or two of each, there wasn't a flinch, not a stare, not one cross-eyed look. Just thank you's. Responses heard included "Thank you, I'd love this, we'll take any that you'll give us".
I'm motivated more than ever. I know in just a few more weeks, I'm going to have the infrastructure to be doing this regularly, and doing it the right way (no handouts, help yourself and we'll help you, too) will make it that much more meaningful and successful.
Today was just a small taste, and I can't wait for the next one.
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