It rains a lot here right now. I really don’t care to study or learn about the seasonal weather patterns of Louisiana, but I know this, it does rain often here, just about everyday, and when it does, it rains HARD. I lived in Florida for a total of seven years in the 1990s, so afternoon thunderstorms
during the summer are nothing new to me. But when the clouds move in here (sometimes it’s in the morning, actually, and sometimes it’s in the afternoon), they dump a ton of rain. Some of the roads turn into rivers. (If they don’t get the sewer and drainage system fixed in St. Bernard Parish soon, I’d hate to see this place when a Tropical Storm rolls through).
I snapped some shots of the sky Thursday afternoon (click on them above for a better view). That type of cloud thickness and darkness isn’t uncommon here, but the tornado warnings that came with them today were. I didn’t see funnels, but check this link out for some great pictures:
Mind, Body, Spirit: I’ve met a lot of great, kind-hearted people here this year. Many of them have inspired me more than they realize. Someone I’ve recently spent some time getting to know, one of the St. Bernard Parish leaders, has managed to do not only that but also instill something else in me. I am now 100% convinced that a great mind and a positive mental outlook absolutely lead to a long, healthy and productive life.
More on this person another day.
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